The mission of “Feel Touch” is to enable people with disabilities to experience the magic of movement and control with technology that makes their lives easier.


1.3 billion people with disabilities

In the world in 2023 (According to the World Health Organisation).

Many people around the world are faced with conditions such as limb loss, stroke, paralysis, multiple sclerosis, and other diseases.

Large number of these people acquired a disability in adulthood and experience particular pain and discomfort from not being able to be physically active as they once were. At a time when our lives are inextricably linked to the world of technology, gadgets, and computers, these people cannot work, communicate, relax… They are unable to live fully and comfortably in the modern world of technology.


We have developed and manufactured an analog of a computer mouse that does not require a solid surface underneath and allows you to use computers, phones, and tablets by moving in space. Our device opens up the possibility for people who have lost the function of their limbs not to limit themselves in the use of gadgets, namely:

  • Call family members
  • Work online
  • Communicate via messengers and social networks
  • Seek help in critical situations
  • Watch videos, play computer games
  • Be independent from outside help


The challenge of meeting the needs of persons with injured, paralyzed, and amputated limbs was not left without attention of caring entrepreneurs. In particular, there are currently a number of products under development in the world that help people with disabilities use gadgets. During our work, we conducted a detailed analysis of the market and our competitors to identify the strengths and weaknesses of their projects and to find the needs of potential customers that still need to be met. Our competitors are currently:

Eyetracker, which requires healthy and uninjured eyes to use. This is one of the disadvantages of this device, and, according to user feedback, it causes eye discomfort during prolonged use.

A US company “Augmented” produces a rather unusual gadget called “MouthPad”, which allows users to control their electronic devices with their tongue, but the disadvantage of this mouse is additional software and not
yet launched production.

GlassOuse” develops technology to help people with physical disabilities and limited mobility access mainstream technology like everyone else. But the price
of this device is very high and a lot of people can’t afford to buy this device.

Having analyzed the products of other companies, we can highlight the strengths of our gadget device:

  • operation without special software, which makes it easy and quick to use;
  • ease of use, in particular, our device can be used by people even with visual impairment;
  • various click options, namely, a button in the teeth, a foot pedal, a touch button, and a regular button, which helps a person choose the individual and most comfortable one for themselves;
  • affordable price of the device, which makes it accessible for people with different income levels.

Comparison of the characteristics of competitors‘ products
and a device for using gadgets from Feel Touch

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